Fabryka leaves Facebook
Updated by Draconina on 10/15/2013 10:42
In case you're looking Fabryka Magazine on Facebook, don't look any further. The page has been deleted as this platform turned out (again) useless. Thank you for all so far Likes.
Artists who received paid reviews or interviews are encouraged to share the writing & Fabryka links on their own FB pages, Twitter profiles etc. This will help us focus readers' attention on the magazine site only.
Follow us on Twitter, Last.FM, SoundCloud, Tumblr and Google+. All the links are in the footer of this page.

Extended News
In case you're looking Fabryka Magazine on Facebook, don't look any further. The page has been deleted as this platform turned out (again) useless. Thank you for all so far Likes.
Artists who received paid reviews or interviews are encouraged to share the writing & Fabryka links on their own FB pages, Twitter profiles etc. This will help us focus readers' attention on the magazine site only.
Follow us on Twitter, Last.FM, SoundCloud, Tumblr and Google+. All the links are in the footer of this page.